
Welcome to my Maths Mastery site! This is a place for me to collect and curate links and resources to do with mathematics. If it helps anyone else, then I’ve more than done my job!

Where are the resources from?

The resources are from all over the internet. Whenever I come across something I find useful, I will add it to the site. Where possible, original creators of resources have been credited.

The items posted on this website may contain links or pointers to information created and maintained by other public and private organisations. These links and pointers are provided for visitors’ convenience.

Further, the inclusion of links or pointers to other websites is not intended to endorse, recommend, or favour any views expressed, or commercial products or services offered on these outside sites, or the organisations sponsoring the sites, by trade name, trademark, manufacture, or otherwise.


I am Thomas Pitts, a teacher in West Yorkshire, UK. I am a maths mastery specialist working part-time with the West Yorkshire Maths Hub. I spend four days a week working with Key Stage 2 classes at a school in Kirklees and one day a week alongside other teachers, helping them through their maths mastery journey.



If you have anything you want to share with me that you think will be useful, the best place is probably to find me on Twitter (@ThomasJPitts) or to use the email form below.