Simplifying addition/carrying with regrouping

I’m not quite sure why I’ve never thought of this before now, but… using sticky notes to highlight the partitioning of a number after an addition to show how to deal with numbers larger than 9 is a complete revelation to me!

This idea (and associated images below) is from The Classroom Key.

Show students how to add up the numbers in the ones column and write the answer on a sticky note.  In the beginning, it is probably worth labelling the left side of the note “tens” and the right side “ones.”

Use a pair of scissors to cut the note in half vertically.

Put the “tens” half of the note on top of the tens column.  Put the “ones” half underneath the ones column.  Add up all the numbers in the tens column and there’s the answer!

I will certainly be using this with my pupils in future when introducing this concept. I’d love to hear how you get on if you try it too.

Link: The Classroom Key

Free Download: Mathematical Vocabulary Flashcards

The following ten files are a straightforward set of mathematical vocabulary flashcards. I have grouped them by topic and have written on in small lettering where in the curriculum the term is introduced.

A sample page from the addition and subtraction group is shown below. All of the pages share the same design.

Page 1 of “Addition and subtraction vocabulary.pdf”

Feel free to share with colleagues – I would love to know how they are being used.