Artful Maths

Here you will find fully-resourced mathematical art lessons as well as displays I have created to brighten up my classroom and support my students’ learning. I have archived my modular origami projects here, and offer some advice on using origami in lessons or setting up origami clubs.  And there is also a page where I recommend some of the beautifully elegant logic and visuo-spatial iOS puzzle games I have happened upon and enjoyed.


Free Download: Mathematical Vocabulary Flashcards

The following ten files are a straightforward set of mathematical vocabulary flashcards. I have grouped them by topic and have written on in small lettering where in the curriculum the term is introduced.

A sample page from the addition and subtraction group is shown below. All of the pages share the same design.

Page 1 of “Addition and subtraction vocabulary.pdf”

Feel free to share with colleagues – I would love to know how they are being used.